Happy Accidents

Every once in a while, I will be out shooting and glance into my viewfinder to see something that I wasn't looking for but which I really like.  Those are wonderfully fun images.  I call them happy accidents and am always grateful.When I s…

Every once in a while, I will be out shooting and glance into my viewfinder to see something that I wasn't looking for but which I really like.  Those are wonderfully fun images.  I call them happy accidents and am always grateful.

When I sat down at my computer to write this blog post, the picture that came up was this one. I was surprised and pleased.  I had forgotten that I had even taken it and had to look at the date to remember where.  It was taken at a motel complex in Townsend, Tennessee when I was there for a meeting.  Finding it today as I began to write was a happy accident of a different sort. 

I am grateful for happy accidents in my life and hope that, amid all the negative things that are going on in the world, you will find happy accidents, moments of pure grace in your life too!