Sometimes I get fascinated by lines and the way they come together. This image is of a building in downtown Nashville--The Pinnacle Building. I was fascinated by the lines, the lights and the different sized windows. I choose not to photograph the whole building but this one section, abstracting it. After I downloaded it and looked at it on my computer, I had a sudden urge to turn it upside down. It sat in my computer for a few weeks upside down. But then in a"What if . . .?" mood, I turned it on it's side. Shapes appeared that I had not seen before, The long pointed part became more prominent. There were diamonds all over.
It's a different view. For me part of photography is learning to see things that I used to miss--to see from a different perspective, to be attentive to what really is rather than what I "expect" to see.
What about you? How are you learning to see beyond what you assume or expect to what is really there?