This image is one of my favorites. I like the texture of the tulips and a sense that they go on forever. I was particularly touched by the white ones.
The image didn't start out to be all white. In the original image there were beds of various colored tulips, the bed of white ones among them. I wasn't especially fond of the original image. As a photographer friend of mine used to say, "It didn't go anywhere." Then I noticed the white tulips. Wow. So I cropped the image to preserve just the white tulips, and this image is the result.
I call this process "mining" an image. Like panning for gold, I look at an image for a part that might be especially interesting or intriguing. I then crop out the rest of the image, sometimes trying a variety of crops until I find one that I like. Occasionally there might even be two sections that will work as different images, but I feel lucky just to find one.
We can do this in areas of our lives too. For instance, as my broken arm is healing I have been collecting (mining) what I have learned during this time. Perhaps you'll be mining some aspect or time in your life soon. Happy mining!